Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Why Didn't Dexter Win?

Click on title above for interview with painter Dexter Dalwood. The last painter to win the Turner Prize was Tomma Abts in 2006. Look at both of these painters in the context of the other artists who were shortlisted alongside them. Is there a reason that one should win one year, and the other not? Look for the other painters that have been shortlisted in previous years. Peter Doig is a big name just now in Painting- he was shortlisted in 1994 and didn't win, but it didn't do him any harm in the long run. How effective does each painters' work look in the context of the other artists shortlisted each year? Try working it out.....

Tomma Abts

Dexter Dalwood

Peter Doig

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


There will be some changes to the blog now that you are moving on to your Pathway subjects. It will now become more directed towards the different subject areas, so look out for posts that relate to your subject choices. In time the Top Ten Forest Artists will be changed, and replaced by contemporary artists and designers who staff feel are important for you to look at.
We are keeping the blog open to all Foundation students; although you are now moving in to specialisms, it will be a valuable for you to see what other students are looking at across the different subject areas. So keep checking-in regularly!